Reschedule AWS Devops Professional exam but no show.


I rescheduled the exam through my online account from 22nd March to 25th March 2024, the system indicated that the change was confirmed. Given this confirmation, I did not feel the need to double-check my email for further confirmation. It was only later when I logged on 23rd and when checked it shows no show. I have contacted Pearson Customer Support and there is no help simply denying my request instead of looking into the problem. I feel so disappointed paid 300$ and was unable to take my exam. This gives me so much pain.

gefragt vor 2 Monaten137 Aufrufe
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  • Thank you for sharing. I have gone through them, and I have contacted Pearson customer support. They are simply declining my request saying my fault and not providing any voucher to reschedule the exam without thoroughly investigating. Now I'm clueless about what to do next.


You would receive a confirmation email if you rescheduled the exam successfully. Please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

beantwortet vor 2 Monaten

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