Allow AWS Users explore Generative BI with Amazon Q in QuickSight by upgrading the user to ADMIN_PRO
If you have a user in Amazon QuickSight and you want to use Generative BI with Amazon Q in QuickSight such as Data Stories or Asking and answering questions with Amazon Q in QuickSight you need READER_PRO, AUTHOR_PRO or ADMIN_PRO role in QuickSight.
There are 2 options to get this role:
- You can ask your QuickSight admin to grant these roles (please check the pricing ). The QuickSight admin can change roles in Admin User Interface of QuickSight
- Another option is to use QuickSight UpdateUser API (
Here is an example for the case of IAM or QuickSight user management. You can run in cloud shell or adjust to your needs: use READER_PRO or AUTHOR_PRO instead or adjust for your SSO configuration.
echo 'Upgrade user to ADMIN_PRO (only if you are in IAM or QuickSight mode, not in IdM / SSO mode)'
export account_id=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)
export user=$(
aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Arn" --output text\
| cut -d / -f2- \
echo "User = '${user}'"
export email=$(
aws quicksight list-users \
--aws-account-id $account_id \
--namespace default \
--query "UserList[? UserName == '${user}'].[Email]" \
--output text
echo "Email = '${email}'"
aws quicksight update-user \
--user-name $user \
--aws-account-id $account_id \
--namespace default \
--email $email \
--role ADMIN_PRO
echo Done
Please check the pricing page and prerequisites before activation of this feature.