Storage Options Advisor

Lesedauer: 3 Minute
Inhaltsebene: Grundlagen

The document aims to help users, particularly application teams who might not be storage experts, in choosing the appropriate AWS storage service based on their specific requirements. This guide seems to be a valuable resource for decision-making regarding the selection of the most appropriate AWS storage solution based on cost, performance, durability, and specific use-case requirements

This article serves as a guide for comparing various storage solutions provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It details a range of AWS storage services, including Amazon S3, EBS, EFS, and FSx, assessing them across multiple dimensions like storage type, durability, scalability, use cases, and more.

Comparison Table:

Feature/ServiceAmazon S3Amazon EBSAmazon EFSAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPAmazon FSx for WindowsAmazon FSx for LustreAmazon FSx for Open ZFS
Durability99.999999999%99.8%- 99.999%99.999999999%HighHighHighHigh
ScalabilityVirtually UnlimitedUp to 64 TiB/volumePetabyte-scaleScalableScalableScalableScalable
Use CasesWeb serving, content management, media and entertainment, backups, big data analytics, data lakeBoot volumes, transactional and NoSQL databases, data warehousing & ETLSimilar to Amazon S3 plus enterprise applications, home directories, developer tools, container storageEnterprise file sharing, shared storage, accessible from multiple OSWindows-based appsHigh-performance computing, machine learningScalability for numerous clients, data compression, multi-platform accessibility
IntegrationVarious AWS servicesEC2 InstancesEC2, on-premiseOn-Premise NetAPPNative Windows OS services and network MapVarious AWS servicesVarious AWS services
AccessibilityHTTP/S RESTful APIEC2 instancesNFS protocolMultiple protocols including SMB, DFSLustre-compatible clients-
Data ProtectionVersioning, Cross-region copySnapshotsReplicationSnapshots, BackupSnapshots, BackupBackup*Snapshots, Backup
Encryption SupportServer-side dual layerKMS-managed data keysAWS KMS key managementIntegrates with AWS KMSIntegrates with AWS KMSIntegrates with AWS KMSIntegrates with AWS KMS
ThroughputUp to 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE and 5,500 GET/HEAD requests/second per prefixUp to 256,000 IOPS and 4,000 MB/sUp to 55,000 IOPS and 3-10GiBpsMultiple GB/s, depends on configUp to 80,000 IOPS and 12 GbpsHundreds of thousands of burst IOPS, 6500 MB/sUp to 1 million IOPs and 12.5 Gbps
Tiering LayersMultiple S3 optionsVarious SSD and HDD optionsEFS Standard, EFS IA, EFS One Zone optionsSSD and Capacity pool tiersSSD, HDD, Backup StorageSSD and HDD file systemsSSD and Backup Storage options

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