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Why was I billed for Amazon EBS fast snapshot restore charges?
Lesedauer: 2 Minute
I was billed for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) fast snapshot restore on a snapshot that I deleted. I want to view my historical fast snapshot restore usage to confirm how much I'm using.
Short description
Use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to view fast snapshot restore usage in the last 15 months. The FastSnapshotRestoreCreditsBucketSize metric shows the maximum size of the volume creation credits that are available for an fast snapshot restore instance. Use this information to determine the usage period and the number of snapshots that have fast snapshot restore activated.
In the Metrics section, choose the All Metrics tab.
Choose the EBSnamespace, and then choose Fast Restore Metrics.
Enter FastSnapshotRestoreCreditsBucketSize in the search bar. You can also filter on your Availability Zone.
For each value, set the Period to 1 hour to capture usage for the widest date range, and then set Statistic to Average.
In the graph section, set the date range that you want to view usage for.
In the graph section, hover over a date to see the number of snapshots that have fast snapshot restore activated.