ec2 (Spot instances) going from Runing - Initializing to Terminated


I do have an EC2 instance with a gitlab-manager runinc (it was working for the past year until this morning).

The gitlab-manager is configuerd to always keep 1 machine running on a spot instance.


This morning the Instances created from the manager aint working, It starts the instance but it stays with the "Status Check" Initializing. After some time the instance is shuted-down and a new request to create a new instance is made.

I tryed to debug the gitlab-manager but it seems that the problem is happening during the instance inicialization on AWS.

What can I do? How can I debug the reason for the instance to not initialize?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren392 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Have you already looked into the different events for Spot to try and get more information? Typically it will tell you if there's insufficient capacity if it's Spot related. Issue could be related to other items like underlying EBS volume for the AMI not being accessible or a number of other items. Can you launch the instance outside the autoscaling group and not as spot?

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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