AWS Glue 3.0 Docker Image - can we increase SPARK configurations ?


My Spark code is running extremely slow and either timing out or not running at all . I though have just 4 records in the source S3 bucket that I am trying to process. Can anyone suggest if we can increase the SPARK power in the docker to make it run faster ?

I am using the AWS Glue 3 Docker instance to set up my local environment. I am using a notebook to submit the jobs and being a newbie , do not know how to change the spark-submit configuration in this env

gefragt vor 2 Jahren666 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


If you are using a Jupyter notebook with your Glue docker image, then you can use Spark magic command %%configure to set the Spark's driver and executor memory/vcores depending on your system/computer.

You can get a list of available spark magic commands by simply running %help in a cell

The command looks something like below


You can get list of configurable Spark parameters from here

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • This did not work for me

Akzeptierte Antwort

I figured out that I was not using the right Docker Image. Since I was on a Mac M1 , I had to use the Glue3.0 ARM image instead I was using the AMD image causing this problem . Closing this question.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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