Cost for S3 standard to glacier deep archive


Have a cost do move data from s3 standard to s3 glacier?

I read on s3 pricing they have no cost, this is correct? I have a bucket whit 42TB of data, and millions of objects.

Is this right or i will be priced for every 1000 objects?

To remove i will not be priced if a configure a lifecycle to remove this data?

Thanks for advance people!

gefragt vor 5 Monaten358 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

There are similar questions:

When you transition objects from S3 Standard to Glacier Deep Archive, there is a cost per 1,000 requests. This cost is separate from the actual storage costs.

If you have 42TB of data and millions of objects, you'll be charged based on the number of objects transitioned. For example:

  • Transition Requests: If you have 1 million objects, and the cost is $0.05 per 1,000 requests, transitioning 1 million objects would cost $50.

  • Deletion via Lifecycle Policy: There is no cost to delete objects using a lifecycle policy. This means you can set up a lifecycle rule to automatically delete data after a certain period without incurring additional charges.

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Thanks ! Very grateful !

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