Cannot do VPC peering for Gamelift fleet in a region with a VPC in another region


An error occurred (NotFoundException) when calling the CreateVpcPeeringConnection operation: Fleet fleet-sg-dba2-47f1-8c4f-sdg not found. This is what I receive when I call create-vpc-peering-connection with fleet ID in ap-south-1 and VPC to peer with in eu-central-1. How can I overcome this?

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As stated in the document below, GameLift does not support VPC peering with VPCs in different regions.

When setting up a peering, both VPCs must exist in the same region. The VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet game servers is in the same region as the fleet.

I think there are currently two workarounds:

  • Create GameLift in the same region as your VPC.
  • If you only want to access a specific EC2 etc. in the VPC in the "eu-central-1" region, how about creating a PrivateLink in the "ap-south-1" VPC and accessing it via VPC peering?
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  • "If you only want to access a specific EC2 etc. in the VPC in the "eu-central-1" region, how about creating a PrivateLink in the "ap-south-1" VPC and accessing it via VPC peering?". How can you pls explain?

  • The configuration is assumed to be as follows. a
    There is a restriction that VPC endpoint services can only be created as VPC endpoints if they are created in the same region, so NLB will be placed in ap-south-1. NLB sets the EC2 IP address as the target. By performing VPC peering with the VPC of eu-central-1, the VPC where NLB is placed will be able to specify an IP address as the NLB target. Finally, you can set up PrivateLink for NLB and access it from the VPC peered with GameLift.

  • Even without using PrivateLink, you may be able to access it with the following configuration. a

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