Barge-in Live conversation Failed || Amazon Connect


Barge-in Live conversation Failed with error code 429.Attached screenshot. I have reviewed my all configuration & rights which looks fine still issue persist.Enter image description here

2 Antworten

429 is a throttle error. Are you doing this via a custom app? Can you double check that this happens on other browsers? Any chance multiple people are monitor at the same time?


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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hi David, No, i'm not using any custom app. I also tried multiple browsers but it's still same.

    No only one person try to barge in a conversation but still issue persists.


Please make sure CCP of supervisor is opened as to Barge-In supervisor will be receiving contact on CCP. If Eye button is pressed twice it can result POST 429 -- Too many requests error

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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