Use GlueContext.getSink for writing Apache Iceberg table to S3 bucket and Data Catalog


Is there a way to use GlueContext.getSink().writeFrame(...) to write Apache Iceberg tables? So far I only find the version GlueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(...) working which is documented at the bottom of This version does not seem to provide an option to update the data catalog simultaneously.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren2470 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


As per the doc there are only two ways to update the schema 1.getSink() and 2.from_catalog() automatically from an AWS Glue Job and your job needs to use the Iceberg connection or Iceberg jars.

getSink() does not support market place connections. Reference

from_catalog() needs to read the metadata like classification or connection from the existing iceberg table. However, if you are creating iceberg tables from Athena as shown here . This method does not work as well. Reference

So, the only way I could see is to use from_options() method and use Spark dataframes to write to your Iceberg table.

Schema evolution for Iceberg tables are documented here and using Athena here

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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