DocumentDB, disable authentication, it's possible?


Hello, i create an cluster in DocumentDB and migrate all mongodb in our local servers. Our applications that use mongodb do not use autentacion, we handle connections using security groups in ec2. Is it possible to disable authentication to the documentdb? cluster if yes, as i do this??


gefragt vor einem Jahr285 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

we need to enable anonymous authentication, its possible? we only use security groups to allow connections to databases.

We currently have a mongodb service installed in an ec2 instance of amazon and migrate the databases to documentdb, applications that consume the data do not use autentacion to connect to the mongodb database.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Disabling authentication is not possible, since it's a managed service that follows the AWS security best practices.


Authentication cannot be disabled in documentdb. It is default enabled as a security best practice and cannot be turned off. Can you elaborate a bit in details on how your currently doing it with mongodb - are you relying purely on security groups to control access between your mongodb cluster and your applications?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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