Amazon Lightsail - LAMP (PHP 8) - Disable The Server Cache


On Amazon Lightsail, I created a new LAMP (PHP 8) instance.

I followed the official instructions on the Bitnami website to Disable The Server Cache.

The lines related to PageSpeed were not available to comment out.

I followed the official instructions of the Bitnami website to Start Or Stop Services.

I used the control script to restart the Apache service.

On my Amazon Lightsail instance, I created created /home/bitnami/htdocs/index.php

In that file, I created a test line <?PHP echo "ONE" ?> and saved the file.

When I load the file from the browser, it shows the expected output.

However, when I change the text in the file, it takes time to update.

This suggests that the server is still caching and not serving instantly.

How do I correctly disable the server cache so I can build out my site?

gefragt vor einem Jahr335 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Is there any cache left in your browser?
In that case, please use "ctrl+shift+R" to delete the cache.

Otherwise, when you run "php --version", does the output include "OPcache"?
If "OPcache" is included in the output, you may need to check your PHP settings.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thank you. Yes, I do use Control - Shift - R when I refresh the page. As described in the instructions in the first link, the OPCache has been disabled.

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