Send Messages from SQS to SES


Hi Team, Is it possible to send messages from SQS to SES, is there any configurations in the console. Currently I am working in the ireland region, and have created a topic, while subscribing the only option i have found is Amazon SQS, but I want to send an email. So please help me if there is a way to send messages from SQS to SES in console

2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

There is no direct integration betweenSQS and SES. You can trigger a Lambda function from SQS to send the message to SES, or you can use EventBridge Pipes to trigger a Step Functions state machine that will use an SDK integration with SES (if you do not want to write any code).

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profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor einem Jahr
  • Okay,thanks for letting me know:)


Hi Pavithra, thanks for sharing your question. The AWS Specialized Solutions Architect team maintain a list of reference architectures in GitHub that you can use as reference for your scenario. Please check if this architecture fits your needs:


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