Over the Air update feature for Raspberry PI



I'm trying to implement the OTA feature to update a Linux application on Raspberry Pi3. To start with I found the below demo. https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C/tree/main/demos/ota/ota_demo_core_mqtt

Does the OTA require FreeRTOS as a prerequisite? Because The raspberry Pi3 runs on raspbian OS and no support for FreeRTOS. Please guide me to implement the OTA on Raspbian OS using the Demo libraries.

Thanks, Bala

gefragt vor einem Jahr274 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

HI Bala,

you are correct in that the sample you looked at requires FreeRTOS. If you want to implement OTA for RaspberryPi you can follow this sample: https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-iot-jobs-full-system-update



beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks Massimiliano for sharing the details, this will be really useful for my work. Looks like it has the process to update the complete image on Raspberrypi using an agent and this agent is different from OTA agent. Can I use the same goagent for custom upgrade of any linux application running on raspberry pi over the air?

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