Rds mysql db RI after changing single-az to multi-az


I have an rds mysql reserved instance (t2.medium) and it's single-az. What happens to the reserved instance if I change the db to multi-az? I mean do I loose the relevant discount? If not how I can get a full discount? Should I buy another single-az reserved instance? Thanks, Fabio

gefragt vor einem Jahr487 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

When you want to save on multi-az instances you can do it in the following ways:

  • Reserve a multi-az reserved instance
  • Reserve 2 sigle-az reserved instances In both cases, the discount would be fully applied to your cluster. If you already have a reserved instance (t2.medium) the next step would be to purchase another single-az reserved instance (t2.medium) so that the total discount on your multi-az can be covered.


In the documentation you can review the example "Multi-AZ DB instance normalized units per hour (deployment with one DB instance and one standby)" to understand a little more about normalized units.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hi Max, thank so much for your answer. I need a further clarification. I'm using Multi-AZ DB instance deployment not cluster deployment. Is it the same from a saving perspective?

  • Yes, I edited my answer, for multi-az the discount applies.

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