How to transfer a domain from route 53 to GoDaddy or Google domains??


Bought a domain on route 53. Need to transfer to GoDaddy/Google domains. How??

Also is there a possibility of setting up a subdomain on a domain bought from route 53??


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2 Antworten


If you want to transfer the Domain from Rout3 53 to Godaddy , Please look at the link Transferring a domain from Amazon Route 53 to another registrar

Please look into the link above to follow the steps to get your DNS transfer to the other provider, If you transfer the domain to other providers you will lose the great functionality of the route53


  • Yes of course you can create sub domains in route 53, Route 53 is like the other DNS provider but also you will have the extra features described above

In the hosted zone for the domain, choose Create record.

  • For Name, enter the name of the subdomain.
  • For Value, enter the IP adress of the server.
  • For Record type, choose A used for the IPV4 adress
  • For TTL (Seconds), used default For Route Policy, choose Simple routing. Choose Create Records. thats it.

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Yes, there is a documented process to move a domain from Route 53 to another registrar.

It is also possible to create subdomains within Route 53.

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profile pictureAWS
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  • Why choose GoDaddy Thheir services terrible and pricey. I was transfer out ally domains

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