Codepipeline or API to automate the task of obtaining EC2 IP's after deployment


I have a bunch of resources that get stood up as part of a regular deployment, i.e. worker EC2's. I need their IP's and to populate them into a config (But this is a post-deployment process) and it can become long/monotonous as its trivial work.

Is there any api calls or any features in AWS I can use to automate this? I'm fine with shell/bash/python.

Something in my head is to create a pipeline job that runs after the deployment pipeline, it queries or "scans" for the scope-named EC2's and then retrieves the IP's. Stores them for reference and then appends this to a config file I store in code commit. Possible?

1 Antwort
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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