AWS RDS Redshift Password Policy


For Audit purposes we need to configure out AWS Redshift instance password policy as below: Length =12 users or 15 admins, service, app or prod accounts.

Complexity: letters, digits, spec characters

Change Interval / Expiration = 90 days;

Password History = last 4 pw

Failed login lockout = 5 tries.

Can you please advise if this is feasible in Redshift. I see there are options on AWS RDS PG to add extensions. So any documentation / advice welcomed. ty

  • There are plenty of ways to get secure access to redshift without passwords. There’s IAM auth, Entra SSO auth, you don’t need to allow users to have passwords. I mean the only system I have that actually needs one is metabase cause it’s dumb (so I set up a rotating secret for it), I transitioned everyone else and all other apps off to sso/iam.

gefragt vor 4 Monaten180 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Thanks Didier, I'll test to see if this if feasible for Redshift. Yes I saw above for PostgreSQL, and plan on using this for PG, Just Redshift it appears different. I will try though ty

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten
  • Comment on his answer, don’t post another answer



I think that you want to implement the pg Trusted Language Extensions (TLE) to enforce the password policy that you want as described here:

A PostgreSQL passcheck hook checks passwords for SQL operations and doesn't 
allow users to set passwords listed in the password_check.bad_passwords table. 
The passcheck hook also checks password length and confirms that passwords 
contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.



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beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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