Linux terminal and python scripts stopped working


During normal work in the Cloud 9 IDE the terminal stopped working and Python scripts fail to launch. The terminal does not give an error but launching scripts with the "Play" button I get:

Command failed: /home/ec2-user/.c9/bin/tmux -C -u2 -L cloud92.2 new -s output16162 bash -l -c 'trap '''printf "\e[01;30m\n\nProcess exited with code: $?\e[0m\n"''' EXIT debug="false";project_path="/home/ec2-user/environment/";file="/home/ec2-user/environment/"; export PYTHONPATH='''/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages:/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages'''; if [ "$debug" == true ]; then python3 -m ikp3db -ik_p=15471 -ik_cwd=$project_path "$file" else python3 "$file" fi checkExitCode() { if [ "$1" ] && [ "$debug" == true ]; then python3 -m ikp3db 2>&1 | grep -q '''No module''' && echo ''' To use python debugger install ikpdb by running: sudo yum update; sudo yum install python36-devel; sudo pip-3.6 install ikp3db; ''' fi return $1 } checkExitCode $?' ; set -q -g status off ; set -q destroy-unattached off ; set -q mouse-select-pane on ; set -q set-titles on ; set -q quiet on ; set -q -g prefix C-b ; set -q -g default-terminal xterm-256color ; setw -q -g xterm-keys on ; set -q remain-on-exit on ; setw -q -g aggressive-resize on ; list-panes -F c9-pid#{pane_pid}- ; detach can't create socket: Permission denied

Any idea what might be going on? I have rebooted the instance and reinstalled Cloud9 with no effect (I have access to it via ssh). tmux folder /tmp/tmux-1000 has write permission.

Edited by: mannie72 on Oct 31, 2021 4:32 PM

Edited by: mannie72 on Oct 31, 2021 6:09 PM

gefragt vor 2 Jahren354 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

It turns out it is a tmux issue. The remedy is to create a local tmux folder:

mkdir -p ~/.tmux/tmp
chmod 777 -R /.tmux/tmp
echo 'export TMUX_TMPDIR=
/.tmux/tmp' >> ~/.bashrc

Still no idea what changed on the instance to cause the problem.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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