Could not transfer domain out from Route 53


Hi there,

I'm trying to transfer a single domain away from Route 53, but I am unable to.

The console lists the domain "Transfer lock" as "Enabled", but the usual link to disable the lock is not there There is a note "Transfer lock isn't supported for domains". The status code is: clientTransferProhibited

I have generated an auth code and given to the other registra but they say it is failing.

I see a number of other posts in the route53 forum about this same issue with domains, and notes from AWS saying they will get in touch directly. Could I get that help please?

I could not post new thread or reply an exiting thread in the forum. Forum is in read-only mode. Hope this is the right place for me to post the question.

Thanks in advance.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren239 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Please raise a support case in the AWS Console for this - the support team can interact directly with the Route 53 service team and assist you with this.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Hi Brettski,

    Thank you for your reply. But I didn't purchase support plan, I could not create a case under Basic Support Plan in support center. Could you let me know where or how I could do it in AWS Console, please?

    Thank you.

  • I have waited 2 days and no more help given.

    I could not transfer my domain out of Route 53, because AWS could not give me an option to unlock the domain. But without unlocking the domain, I could get an auth code in Route 53. I believe that this is a problem of AWS.

    I could not pay for the support to let AWS fix its problem. I think AWS could not force me to use Route 53 and I should have my right to transfer my domain in or out of Route 53. Maybe it is the time for me to seek legal help. I already took enough screenshots to approve what I said above.

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