Bedrock Knowledge Base Sync stuck


I have created a Knowledge Base containing 5 pdf files. I clicked the button to sync. Over 10 hours later, the status is still "Syncing". I have tried to delete the knowledge base, but get the error message "ValidationException There is an ingestion job running for the knowledge base with name *****." The string ***** is a substitution I made in the message, but it's the name of my knowledge base.

I believe that the process is stuck. How can I either unstick the process, or delete the knowledge base?

1 Antwort

If the knowledge base sync is stuck even after 24 hours then please try the below aws cli command to delete the bedrock knowledge base

aws bedrock-agent delete-knowledge-base --knowledge-base-id <KNOWLEDGEBASEID>

Replace the <KNOWLEDGEBASEID> with the actual id of the knowledge base which can be found on the bedrock knowledge base console.

beantwortet vor 2 Monaten

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