AWS Glue ETL Error


An error occurred while calling o85.getSink. key not found: url

I've been searching for a long time and I have no idea what just happen with this kind of error.

gefragt vor 9 Monaten255 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

That normally means you are trying to a JDBC or other source that needs a url, and that is not specified on the options or a connection.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 9 Monaten
  • My Script for Redshift node are like this

    Script generated for node Amazon Redshift

    AmazonRedshift_node1695279214701 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options( frame=SQLQuery_node1695266498590, connection_type="redshift", connection_options={ "redshiftTmpDir": "s3://aws-glue-assets-186167104265-ap-southeast-1/temporary/", "useConnectionProperties": "true", "dbtable": "datamart.transactional_sales_report", "connectionName": "DW_RedShift_Production", "preactions": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datamart.transactional_sales_report; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS datamart.transactional_sales_report (order_date DATE, order_id VARCHAR, source VARCHAR, channel VARCHAR, subchannel VARCHAR, platform VARCHAR, outlets VARCHAR, order_status VARCHAR, payment_method VARCHAR, brand_category VARCHAR, brand VARCHAR, sku VARCHAR, item VARCHAR, quantity DECIMAL, priceretail INTEGER, price INTEGER, total_retail_exc_vat DECIMAL, total_price_without_disc_exc_vat DECIMAL);", }, transformation_ctx="AmazonRedshift_node1695279214701", )

    can you help me is there a mistake from my script? because the job keep telling me the error "An error occurred while calling o85.getSink. key not found: url"

    thank you.

  • Sounds like that connection DW_RedShift_Production is not valid, can you open it and check if in the connection details there is a "Connection URL" starting with jdbc:redshift://

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