Hi guys, Deployed the datasync agent on-premised (Vmware environment) successfully and did the "Test Network Connectivity" to AWS DataSync which is also successful.


Hi guys, Deployed the datasync agent on-premised (Vmware environment) successfully and did the "Test Network Connectivity" to AWS DataSync which is also successful. I saw forum "https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=302863&start=25&tstart=0" , but somehow I dont see any answer to fix it as all messages are sent by PM. Can anyone help me on this?

I am having issue with DataSync agent, I have deployed agent machine in ESXi environment but and all connectivity tests have been been passed, but somehow whenever I clicked on Get Key, it will try to connect but eventually nothing appears and page cannot be displayed... anyone face same issue. pls help on this as I have Data migration today/tomorrow

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1335 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

You can get an activation key directly from the local console on the VM itself, following the instructions here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/local-console-vm.html#get-activation-key. You can then use this activation key when creating your agent in the AWS Management Console for DataSync.

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Can you verify the following

  • Check that host has the correct time and that host is configured to synchronize its time automatically to a Network Time Protocol(NTP) server and that VM has the correct time. For information about synchronizing the time see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/local-console-vm.html#time-management
  • Check if there is an existing VPCE endpoint. If yes then it will give this error when trying to activate using public endpoint.
  • Check that there is no SSL or deep packet inspection within on-prem firewall as this can also cause activation to fail even though network connectivity tests show as PASSED.
  • You can also check the connectivity on below endpoint using telnet or any another connectivity command.
    • telnet d3dvvaliwoko8h.cloudfront.net 443
    • telnet activation.datasync.<region>.amazonaws.com 443
    • telnet activation-sync.<region>.amazonaws.com 443
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