AWS + Pulumi example


Hi! Can anybody explain how to properly use pulumi with AWS? I installed pulumi and awscli

I have pulumi config:

"""An AWS Python Pulumi program"""

import pulumi
from pulumi_aws import s3

# Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket)
bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket')

# Export the name of the bucket

and call:

$ pulumi up --debug
Previewing update (dev)

View in Browser (Ctrl+O):

     Type                     Name            Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack      quickstart-dev  create     22 debugs
     └─ pulumi:providers:aws  default_6_13_2             1 error

  pulumi:providers:aws (default_6_13_2):
    error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unable to validate AWS credentials.
    Details: No valid credential sources found. Please see
    for more information about providing credentials.

    Error: failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, request canceled, context deadline exceeded

    Make sure you have set your AWS region, e.g. `pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2`.

    NEW: You can use Pulumi ESC to set up dynamic credentials with AWS OIDC to ensure the correct and valid credentials are used.
    Learn more:

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (quickstart-dev):
    debug: registering resource: ty=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=quickstart-dev, custom=False, remote=False
    debug: registering resource: ty=aws:s3/bucket:Bucket, name=my-bucket, custom=True, remote=False
    debug: Waiting for outstanding RPCs to complete
    debug: RPCs successfully completed
    debug: Waiting for 33 outstanding tasks to complete
    debug: beginning rpc register resource
    debug: beginning rpc register resource
    debug: beginning rpc register resource outputs
    debug: resource registration prepared: ty=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=quickstart-dev
    debug: resource registration successful: ty=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, urn=urn:pulumi:dev::quickstart::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::quickstart-dev
    debug: resource registration prepared: ty=aws:s3/bucket:Bucket, name=my-bucket
    debug: pulumi-aws: starting to validate credentials. Disable this by AWS_SKIP_CREDENTIALS_VALIDATION or skipCredentialsValidation option
    debug: pulumi-aws: error validating credentials: unable to validate AWS credentials.
    debug: Details: No valid credential sources found. Please see
    debug: for more information about providing credentials.
    debug: Error: failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, request canceled, context deadline exceeded
    debug: Make sure you have set your AWS region, e.g. `pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2`.
    debug: NEW: You can use Pulumi ESC to set up dynamic credentials with AWS OIDC to ensure the correct and valid credentials are used.
    debug: Learn more:

What's wrong and how to fix it? I have an idea that it is somehow connected to [debug: Details: No valid credential sources found. ] How I can check validity of credentials by awscli, list them maybe?

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