Textract Analyze Document demo error


I have successfully used the Textract "Analyze Document" demo (https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/textract) in the past, but all interactions with the demo - be it a document upload, or even resetting the demo - now return a nondescript error: "Textract encountered an error while processing this document."

The documents I've used are all an accepted format (JPEG or PDF) and are well under the 5MB / 11 pg limit. The documents successfully upload and can be previewed in the demo tool, but no results are displayed; I see the error message instead.

Is the Textract demo tool broken? Is there additional account configuration that I need to be aware of?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren751 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Thank you for trying out our product. To better assist you, we will need to look at the file and gather a few details. Can you create a support ticket, and we will have our support engineer look into this for you, please?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hi I am facing the same issue as mentioned above. Any file I upload I see the below error -

Textract encountered an error while processing this document.

I have tried different jpeg files and all below 5 MB.

Can you please help me here ?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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