How to send data from AWS IoT Greengrass to Cloud?


We are going to develop a live detection application(JS and HTML) on AWS IoT Greengrass. After live detection, we would like to send the statistical data back to AWS Cloud, e.g. the number of cats, etc. Is there any method to send data from Greengrass to the Cloud?

Besides, I saw that the Kinesis Video Streams need to connect to the IP camera, can we use notebook camera to replace IP camera?

Thank you!

2 Antworten

The statistical data collected from the edge devices can be published to AWS IoT Core service. AWS IoT Core supports the MQTT, HTTPS, MQTT over WSS, and LoRaWAN.
Console :

Refer to the workshop below which demonstrates the MQTT publisher implementation using AWS IoT Greengrass.
With MQTT topics, IoT clients identify the messages they publish by giving the messages topic names.

Once messages are collected into AWS IoT Core, You can integrate data in real-time with other AWS services such as Kinesis, DynamoDB, S3, CloudWatch, and so on.

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