AWS Chime Meeting transcription - EngineTranscribeSettings



I would like to start meeting transcription with automatic language detection. According to the documentation link, I set up the configuration:

      MeetingId: meetingId,
      TranscriptionConfiguration: {
        EngineTranscribeSettings: {
          IdentifyLanguage: true,
          LanguageOptions: "en-US,de-DE",
          Region: 'us-east-1',
          EnableChannelIdentification: true

When I execute the command I see error

 "message": "1 validation error detected: Value null at 'transcriptionConfiguration.engineTranscribeSettings.languageCode' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null"

In the docs I see that this field is not required.

Where is the issue? I would be grateful for any suggestion.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1130 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

We have a new API namespace for the Amazon Chime APIs. We only add or update meeting APIs in the "Amazon Chime SDK Meetings" namespace. We fully support the meeting APIs in the "Amazon Chime" namespace, but they remain as-is. Language detection is something that was added only in the new namespace.

I suspect that you are still using the old namespace.

For example, looking at the documentation for EngineTranscribeSettings (which is in two places -- one for each namespace) you can see that LanguageCode is required only in the old namespace and IdentifyLanguage is only valid in the new namespace.

If you want to use automatic language detection, you will need to move to the new namespace. Documentation for doing so are here:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thank you for the comment, I will check it and let you know about my results

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