i received email saying my server has recieved abusive report


your Server/Customer with the *** has attacked one of our servers/partners. The attackers used the method/service: badbot on: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:19:04 +0200. The time listed is from the server-time of the Blocklist-user who submitted the report. The attack was reported to the Blocklist.de-System on: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:19:03 +0200

Please help i’m not understanding what is happening

1 Antwort

Hi rePost-User-2138293,

This page can guide you on how to proceed in the scenario you described: AWS Knowledge Center - AWS Abuse Report.

If possible, investigate before replying the email and gather everything you can from access, logs, etc.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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