k8s pod created by statefulset is stuck in pending state, waiting for pvc bound


I am using an EKS fargate cluster and I think it might be an issue with EKS.

I created a statefulset with volumeClaimTemplates which bounds to pre-created PV.

The problem is the pod created by statefulset is stuck in pending state, waiting for PVC bound.

But the PVC is already bound with PV. So When I delete the pod, the pod is successfully mounted.

How can I solve this problem without manually deleting the pending pod?

pod event log

  Type     Reason            Age        From               Message
  ----     ------            ----       ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  fargate-scheduler  Pod not supported on Fargate: volumes not supported: efs-vol not supported because: PVC efs-vol-collector-relay-statefulset-0 not bound

gefragt vor 2 Jahren227 Aufrufe
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