CORS issue while running from browser


I am trying to build an image watermark application with Lambda and its been triggered by API. I tried the API end point run via postman with this payload:

2 Antworten
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Most likely your preflight call is failing:

  1. Configure your Cloud front to allow OPTION call
  2. Configure your lambda to handle OPTION call and use Cloudfront response-headers-policies-cors
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überprüft vor einem Jahr
  • Unfortunately I cannot use Cloudfront as its basic learner lab. I also tried adding the mentioned policy in my lambda function, but still get same error Here is my lambda function


Hi, follow this to enable cors on api level, as preflight call failing as mentioned above and may need to add origin header to the request.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Unfortunately I cannot use Cloudfront as its basic learner lab. I also tried adding the mentioned policy in my lambda function, but still get same error Here is my lambda function

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