Amazon Comprehend built-in model as endpoint


I want to set up an endpoint for classifying sentiment, is it possible to do this using the built-in model used from Amazon Comprehend? Or do I have to make a custom model if I want to deploy it as an endpoint?


  • You shouldn't be needing to setup up an endpoint for pre-built models as there are synchronous inference APIs already present. I'm curious why are you even asking for it ? is it to have control over the max throughput you can get from the endpoint ?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren345 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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With the the built in model, you can use the APIs for classifying sentiment as currently there isn't an option to deploy a built-in model as an endpoint. You are correct that if you want to deploy as an endpoint it will need to be a custom model.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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