Should I commit to the discounted amount or the non-discounted amount for compute savings plans?


Let's say I've got a database which costs 720 USD/month. That's 1 USD/hour.

I can purchase a Compute Savings Plan for this database, and get 37% off.

Should I commit to the discounted amount or the non-discounted amount?

If I should commit to the non-discounted** amount, I commit to 1 USD/hour - but the actual discounted spend will be 0,63 USD/hour. What happens to the remaining 0,37 USD/hour I have commited to spend?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren220 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

You need to commit to the DISCOUNTED amount. So, in your example it will be 0,63 USD/hour commitment.

This makes it hard to calculate exact commitment if you have dozens of different instance types across multiple accounts. But you can get the estimate recommendation for Savings Plans commitment in Cost Explorer - you can see based on your past usage what's the recommended commitment.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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