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How to migrate EC2 ubuntu instance from arm Graviton to x86_64 instance type?


I have EC2 ubuntu instance with arm Graviton but when take AMI and Build it with x86_64 instance type get Instance reachability check failed.

gefragt vor 2 Monaten81 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Am I understanding your question right, are you provisioning a new EC2 instance and then selecting Graviton instance type, and then using an Ubuntu x86_64 AMI with it?

Graviton is a completely different processor architecture to x86_64. You will need to build an x86_64 instance from an x86_64 AMI, and a Graviton instance from a Graviton AMI.

You can't mix them.

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beantwortet vor 2 Monaten
  • I don't want mix I need use x86_64 after build all on arm so i need to take ami from arm and build need instance with x86_64 but when do this get error Instance reachability check failed

  • I'm not clear on what you are trying to do here.

    I need use x86_64 after build all on arm

    So you have built an instance on Arm (Graviton), and this works, and is good?

    i need to take ami from arm and build need instance with x86_64

    Why do you need to build with x86_64 when you have already built with Arm?

    Are you trying to create a new AMI from the running Arm instance, and use that newly-created AMI to build a new instance on an x86_64 instance type?

    If I've not understood properly then apologies, and could you try explaining again what you ahve already done successfully, and what you still need to do.

  • Yes, I trying to create a new AMI from the running Arm instance, and use that newly-created AMI to build a new instance on an x86_64 instance type

  • That won't be possible - the new AMI you created from the running Arm instance can only be used to provision a new Arm instance.

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