How to change the greengrass v2 config on a core device


Hi there I have a problem with the iot permision on my device which already have gg installed and running

so when i run the gg installer I put GGTokenAccessRole for "iotRoleAlias" instead of the actual name

2022-03-18T05:43:45.295Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-5) TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GGTokenAccessRole/credentials}
2022-03-18T05:43:45.296Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-5) Error in retrieving AwsCredentials from TES. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GGTokenAccessRole/credentials, credentialData=TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}}
2022-03-18T05:44:27.897Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-5) Error in retrieving AwsCredentials from TES. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GGTokenAccessRole/credentials, credentialData=TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}}
2022-03-18T05:45:22.119Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-5) Error in retrieving AwsCredentials from TES. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GGTokenAccessRole/credentials, credentialData=TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}}

Also i did not create iot aliase so i wonder if that is a problem? can it use a IAMF role directly ?

Thanks for your help

gefragt vor 3 Jahren855 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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You can not use an IAM role directly. You can either create a role alias with the name you’ve already given to greengrass, or you can do a deployment that specifies the nucleus component and deploys configuration to merge an update for iotRoleAlias with a new name. Here is some documentation that might be useful:,Merge%20updates,-Merge%20updates%20define,iotRoleAlias,-The%20AWS%20IoT

Cheers, Janice

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