Fn::GetAtt Arn fails on a AWS::Scheduler::Schedule


I am unable to use Fn::GetAtt in a CloudFormation template to get the ARN of an AWS::Scheduler::Schedule. CloudFormation fails to update the stack with this error.

Unable to retrieve Arn attribute for AWS::Scheduler::Schedule, with error message Resource of type 'AWS::Scheduler::Schedule' with identifier 'lops-coder-DjangoBackendClearDjangoSessionsSchedul-VZ00I61PNLJ4' was not found.

According to the resource and policy reference for AWS::Scheduler::Schedule, Fn::GetAtt is defined for Arn.

In my CFT, I have an AWS::Scheduler::Schedule resource defined and successfully deployed.

    Type: AWS::Scheduler::ScheduleGroup  
    Type: AWS::Scheduler::Schedule
      GroupName: !Ref ScheduleGroup
      # …

If I add an output for the schedule's ARN, CloudFormation fails with the message above. This is the only change to the template.

    Value: !GetAtt DjangoBackendClearDjangoSessionsSchedule.Arn

I have confirmed that there is in fact a schedule named lops-coder-DjangoBackendClearDjangoSessionsSchedul-VZ00I61PNLJ4 in the same account and the same region.

Screenshot of the schedule in the AWS Console

  • It appears to me that this issue is limited to not using the default schedule group.

    I looked at the CloudTrail events. CloudFormation is not including GroupName in the GetSchedule API call. GroupName is required if the schedule is not in the default group.

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

I was able to reproduce it in my environment.
It may be a bug and you should contact AWS support.

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