AWS architecture for Low latency trading system


What architecture would one use to design a low latency trading application? w.r.t: Compute: Serverless vs EC2/ Fargate vs EKS (on EC2 or Fargate) wr.t. DB/ Caching/ Streams/ Global Accelators/Local zones.
Pointers to any case studies I can reference or does someone have experience with developing a low latency trading system? Thanks!

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I found a couple of blogs with the exact use-case, however the components could differ as per the need and blocks in the architecture. This is the latest blog on the same.

Go through the low latency proposition blog below-

Below is a 3rd party link for high performance trading blow: Link-

The above blogs cover everything needed for low latency applications to deployment models. Consult an SA using the Support plan if you need further advice.

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
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überprüft vor 2 Jahren

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