crawler can not find the table


Hi. I had a table that was created by a crawler, then I deleted the table ( in Athena) and created it by DDL. after running crawler. it could not find the table and create a new table. note: The s3 objects were as they were before.. any one has any opinion?

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gefragt vor 3 Monaten403 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


When you re-created the table using the DDL statement, the metadata (such as the database name, table name, column names, and data types) might not have matched the metadata that the crawler was expecting. AWS Glue crawlers rely on the metadata stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog to identify existing tables. Or if the re-created table was not registered with the AWS Glue Data Catalog, the crawler would not be able to find it. AWS Glue crawlers only scan tables that are registered in the Data Catalog.

Refer - for guidance around Data Catalog settings.

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