New account with different email address, free tier ?


Hi all,

Previously I had a different account with different email. Now I've opened new account with same phone number but different email. Am I eligible for free tier ?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1545 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Yes, you should be eligible for AWS free tier even if you have a new account with a different email but the same phone number. The AWS free tier is available to all new AWS accounts, and it provides a certain amount of usage each month for free, for up to 12 months from the date you create your account.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

As long as you are creating a new account with a different email address, you should be eligible for the AWS free tier, regardless of whether or not you have used the free tier before with a different email or phone number.

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