Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring, status is always "Requires activation"?



I just noticed that Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring has status "Requires activation". I have EKS runtime enabled as per this screen:

Enter image description here

Also, coverage is fine:

Enter image description here

But when I go to EKS addons I have this error:

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

SSM fleet manager shows that SSM agent is installed on all instances. I tried to remove addon and EKS from GuardDuty and install it again, but I have the same error.

Thanks, M

2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

AWS reply - According to the internal team, the status "Requires activation" is a known EKS addon bug. Actually, this addon works but in a console, we see this bug.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten

Hi, You mentioned "The main GuardDuty service is enabled on a vast majority of our Organization accounts already" - why only "vast majority"? When I looked into the documentation I'm wondering if all the accounts are in the same region? GuardDuty is a regional service so any accounts in another region will require the GuardDuty administrator account of that region to be created / connected to the accounts. Best of luck!

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • No, I just have one account. I will check it with AWS support and let you know how it went.

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