Unable to upgrade from nodejs 14 (platform 5.4.6) to nodejs 16 (platform 5.5.6)


I am trying to upgrade the nodejs version of the app on the platform as mentioned here however, I am getting the following error while deploying the app.

2022/09/30 16:17:23.581348 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [Install customer specified node.js version]. Stop running the command. Error: the node.js version range >=16 <17 is not available for this platform. Please choose a version matching one of the following: [v14.0.0 v14.1.0 v14.2.0 v14.3.0 v14.4.0 v14.5.0 v14.6.0 v14.7.0 v14.8.0 v14.9.0 v14.10.0 v14.10.1 v14.11.0 v14.12.0 v14.13.0 v14.13.1 v14.14.0 v14.15.0 v14.15.1 v14.15.2 v14.15.3 v14.15.4 v14.15.5 v14.16.0 v14.16.1 v14.17.0 v14.17.1 v14.17.2 v14.17.3 v14.17.4 v14.17.5 v14.17.6 v14.18.0 v14.18.1 v14.18.2 v14.18.3 v14.19.0 v14.19.1 v14.19.2 v14.19.3 v14.20.0] 

According to this platform 5.5.6 should support nodejs and defining the engine range as the following should use the latest nodejs 16 version available to the platform

    "engines": { "node" : ">=16 <17" }
gefragt vor 2 Jahren314 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


The problem is caused by the change in npm version; there was a breaking change between npm v6 (Node.js 14) and npm v8 (Node.js 16) relating to filesystem permissions.


  1. Create the following Platform Hooks paths in the root directory of your application bundle.
  • .platform/hooks/prebuild
  • .platform/confighooks/prebuild
  1. Create the following bash script (00_npm_install.sh) with execute permissions (chmod +x).

#!/bin/bash cd /var/app/staging sudo -u webapp npm install sharp

  1. Validate the Application Bundle Structure.

Example Sample project structure:


├── app.js

├── index.html

├── .npmrc_bkp

├── package.json

├── package-lock.json

├── .platform

│ ├── confighooks

│ │ └── prebuild

│ │ └── 00_npm_install.sh

│ └── hooks

│ └── prebuild

│ └── 00_npm_install.sh

└── Procfile

  1. Deploy the Application!

This solution is explained in more details on this post https://github.com/lovell/sharp/issues/3221#issuecomment-1126528844

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