Compute Savings Plan coverage


Hi all, I purchased a Compute Savings Plan with a commitment price of $0.172, but when I checked the bill, I wondered why some instances like t3.small are not covered by the Compute Savings Plan. So, how does the coverage mechanism of the Compute Savings Plan work?Enter image description here

Thanks, Steven

gefragt vor 4 Monaten86 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


I thought the explanation given in the document below might be relevant.
I thought that since discount rates are applied in descending order of magnitude, some discount rates may not be applied depending on the amount of commitment.

We calculate your potential savings percentages of each combination of eligible usage. This percentage compares the Savings Plans rates with your current On-Demand rates. Your Savings Plans are applied to your highest savings percentage first. If there are multiple usages with equal savings percentages, Savings Plans are applied to the first usage with the lowest Savings Plans rate. Savings Plans continue to apply until there are no more remaining usages, or your commitment is exhausted. Any remaining usage is charged at the On-Demand rates.

For billing-related questions, I recommend opening a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing."
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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