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Catalog Marketplace List Entities API returns empty result what i can do to get AWS marketplace subscribed product list in this


Hi ... I am looking to get subscribed marketplace products by using REST API or Node JS SDK so i finded this route but it is returning empty result, when i check AWS documentation related marketplace product this route only they are giving

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1 Antwort

Do you have a container product listed in AWS Marketplace? If not, please submit a product listing. The following workshop link provides steps to create a free container-based product in AWS Marketplace. https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/cc168d1f-b5c7-4b68-a2f9-d785d68b2f19/en-US/use-cases/publish-container-free

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hi,

    Is there a way to instead get a list of Marketplace AMI's that have been subscribed to in a given account ? Is listEntities primarily to get list of AMIs published from account onto marketplace?

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