Is there a way to read the group name in a component or environment var?


I am using Greengrass V2 and I would like a way to read the current group the device belongs to. I don't need the group hierarchy but that would also be fine. Does anyone know if there is an environment variable for this? I can use the environment variable AWS_IOT_THING_NAME for the device name and I'm hoping there is something for group as well. If there isn't an environment variable is there a component level configuration that can be read, something like '{configuration:/DEPLOYMENT_GROUP}'?


gefragt vor 4 Jahren344 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


This is not currently supported. In the meantime, would you be able to use the ListThingGroupsForThing API to get the group name from the thing name?


beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thanks for the suggestion. I think that will work for me.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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