Redshift error: authentication method 13 not supported when creating a user with sha256 hashed password


The redshift docs say when creating a new user, you can specify your password as cleartext, md5 hash, or sha256 hash with a salt. Two valid formats they give for sha256 are sha256|<cleartext password>, and sha256|<digest>|<salt>. I tried both formats when making a user and came up with the same error: error: authentication method 13 not supported.

I tried psql that came with postgres version 14, and psql that came with version 13, both reported the same error. I also tried connecting with Navicat, and it reported the same error.

Do we need to run SET password_encryption TO sha256 or something similar?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1318 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I believe you are seeing an incompatibility with the Postgres psql support for sha256 based passwords. Can you try using the rsql command-line tool to connect?

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