Trouble accessing Bedrock, receiving error message "Too many requests, please wait before trying again".


We are attempting to start work with on-demand Base Models (Mistral, Claude, or Titan) via the playground and API calls. I can't use any model at all in Bedrock playground and receive the error message "Too many requests, please wait before trying again".

I get the errors across multiple regions.

From the nature of the error message its not clear if this is a AWS Service Quota issue, or the service isn't working. I am assuming its the former, however I cannot adjust the quote limits for bedrock services in question. They all say "Not adjustable".

I have raised a formal support ticket, and after 48 hours have still not had the ticket assigned to an engineer, let alone looked at, despite paying on a paid support plan with a target response time of less than 24 hours.

I'd hate to have an issue once we're in product and get no support like this.

Does anyone actually get support from Amazon within target response windows? All I see is other tickets complaining their case hasn't been accepted either...

  • Hi there,

    I'm Dennis, a Developer Advocate at AWS. I'm really sorry about the trouble this caused and want to thank you for highlighting the issue. We're aware of the problem and are actively working on a resolution.

    I'd like to help you directly with this matter. For privacy reasons, it would be best if you could reach out to me via my official Amazon email at or a DM on LinkedIn:

    I can then gather more details and personally look into your case.

    Your feedback helps us fix things faster and better, thank you again! And if there's anything else you'd like to share about your experience, just let me know.


  • I just realized I used my Builder ID. Switched to my internal AWS profile here on re:Post now. To double-check, click on my name above this comment to confirm I'm legit :-)

3 Antworten

The error message you're receiving, "Too many requests, please wait before trying again," suggests that you're encountering a ThrottlingException in Amazon Bedrock. This typically occurs when the request rate exceeds the account quotas for the service.

To address this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check your Amazon Bedrock service quotas in the AWS Service Quotas console. This will give you an idea of the limits allocated to your account.

  2. Implement a retry strategy using exponential backoff with random jitter. This is an AWS recommended approach for improving reliability when dealing with rate-limited services.

  3. If you have high throughput requirements, consider exploring Provisioned Throughput for your use case. This can provide more consistent performance for high-volume workloads.

  4. If your workload traffic consistently exceeds your account quotas, you may need to request a quota increase. Typically, this is done by contacting your account manager or AWS Support.

Regarding your support experience, it's concerning that you haven't received a response within the target timeframe, especially on a paid support plan. While it's not uncommon for support response times to occasionally exceed targets during periods of high demand, a 48-hour delay for initial assignment is unusual.

It's worth noting that service quotas for Amazon Bedrock may not be immediately adjustable through the console, which explains why you're seeing "Not adjustable" for these limits. In such cases, engaging with AWS Support is indeed the correct path for requesting increases.

For immediate needs, you might consider:

  1. Trying to access the service from different AWS regions, as quotas are often region-specific.
  2. Temporarily reducing your API call frequency if possible.
  3. Checking the AWS Service Health Dashboard to ensure there are no ongoing service issues in your region.

If the problem persists and you don't receive a response to your support ticket soon, it may be worth escalating the issue through your account manager or other AWS contacts if available.
Troubleshooting Amazon Bedrock API Error Codes - Amazon Bedrock
Troubleshoot the "503 Service Unavailable error" | AWS re:Post

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überprüft vor 3 Monaten

Hi, this answer works for me:

To resolve the issue, I opened a Basic Support plan case with AWS Support using the following form: Select "Account and Billing" Service: General Info and Getting Started, Category: Using AWS & Services Severity: General Question


beantwortet vor 3 Monaten

Hi, how many requests are you doing per minute?

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