Uploading multiple large files from client's browser to S3 bucket


We have a requirement where the user would use a drag and drop file upload control to select multiple files (may be large size files like 100MB) and these files would then be uploaded to S3 via our web server. This involves sending the files to our server and then from our server we upload them to S3 bucket. Is there a way we can directly upload to S3 from the client's browser and prevent the file reaching our servers?

Currently all our S3 actions are driven by a Java based webapplication. The Java based S3 client is also being initialized using the DefaultCredentialProvider

gefragt vor einem Jahr6334 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks a lot. But what if we want to upload multiple files/files in Bulk from UI to S3?


What if we want to upload multiple files/files in Bulk from UI to S3? Is there any documentation for it ? I see some tutorials using multer libraries in node. Is that the way to go ?

beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

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