Glacier S3 oversize


Hello, how can I reduce the storage size of the Glacier S3 (8.8TB) when the original storage space is actually 1.5TB or less? I don't understand why there is such a difference in size. Is there a way to reduce it?

I'm using the Glacier S3 app on Synology brand NAS and it shows me this vault information: Introduce la descripción de la imagen aquí

If anyone had a similar problem and can help me, I would appreciate it.


gefragt vor einem Monat98 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


The discrepancy in storage size is likely due to:

  • Glacier's Storage Calculation: Glacier calculates storage size based on the total amount of data uploaded, including metadata and chunked uploads. This can lead to a larger reported size.

  • Multipart Uploads: The 512 MB multipart upload size setting can cause additional overhead, increasing the stored size.

  • Versioning and Retention: If versioning is enabled, multiple versions of files are stored, contributing to the larger size.

To reduce the storage size:

  • Verify Versioning Settings: Ensure you're not storing unnecessary file versions. Check your Glacier vault for multiple versions and clean up if needed.

  • Optimize Multipart Upload Size: Consider increasing the multipart upload size to reduce overhead. This can minimize the space used by chunks and metadata.

  • Run a Glacier Inventory Report: Generate an inventory report to identify the actual data stored and any potential issues.

  • Consider Using S3 Lifecycle Policies: Automate the deletion of unnecessary data or transition to more cost-effective storage classes with lifecycle policies.

  • Check for Duplicate or Unnecessary Files: Review and remove any duplicate or unnecessary files to reduce storage size.

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