Problem transferring a domain to Route 53


I'm failing to transfer a domain I own to Route 53. I've set up a zone file for it and I'm going through the transfer process. I add the domain to my basket and configure it to use Amazon's DNS servers.

But when I confirm the order, I almost immediately get this email:

[Action required] We couldn't transfer to Amazon Route 53

Dear AWS customer,

We recently received an online request from your AWS account to transfer the following domain name:

We weren't able to transfer the domain name. This is because:

We can't finish transferring your domain. Contact AWS Support at for further information. We apologize for the inconvenience. For more information, contact Amazon Web Services Customer Support.

Regards, Amazon Route 53

As I said, this email arrives almost instantly - before any emails have been sent to the domain owner (which is me) to confirm the transfer.

The domain is unlocked, I've turned off contact privacy and I have regenerated the transfer code, so I can be sure it's the correct one.

I haven't contacted support as I have a basic plan and can't create technical support tickets.

I know I've done this successfully before with another domain, but I can't work out what's different this time.

gefragt vor einem Jahr493 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Have a look at this doc for the procedure to transfer a domain to Route53 especially step 3:

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks for trying, but I had already been through all of that several times.

    I'm talking to support now and it seems my account had been locked from transferring domains - for reasons I have yet to get to the bottom of.

  • Thanks for the update. Let us know once you hear back from Support.


You can still open case with account and billing team and they should be able to forward your query to technical team.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks. It really wasn't clear (to me, at least) that this was the case. I've opened a ticket and I'm just about to test if it's been fixed.

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