EMR with Specific AL2 kernel 5 or AL2022 kernel5


When does AWS EMR be available with AL2 with kernel 5.x or AL2022 with kernel 5.x. If we wanted to use custom AMI's, can you provide documentation of how to create custom AMI's for EMR.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren503 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Yes, AWS EMR do support customized AMI with Amazon Linux 2. You can launch an EC2 with AL2 and upgrade the kernel to 5.x or install any other packages you want following by the actions in the link below.


On the other hand, as AL2022 is still in public preview stage, it's better to wait for it's generally available to make customized AMI on it. If you're interested in the AL2022, you can try to ask for preview and try the actions above to see if EMR can run on AL2022.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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