What is the difference between RunInstances:SV050 and RunInstances:SV051 in my Cost Explorer report?


What could possibly be happening here? Please see screenshot: Cost Explorer screenshot

gefragt vor einem Jahr599 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

The RunInstances Operation for EC2 usage has additional detail codes separated by colons in the Cost and Usage Reports and subsequently Cost Explorer, as described be the documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/billing-info-fields.html.

The first additional detail field, which is optional, describes the OS Platform. The full list of values are described in the documentation above, but for example:

  • 0010 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • 1010 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux with HA
  • 00g0 - Red Hat BYOL Linux For your example above, this field is not present - as indicated by the 'SV' at the start of the detail code. In this case, the Platform Details are "Linux/UNIX".

The second detail field, which is specified as starting with "SV", indicates Spot Instance-hour usage, along with the Availability Zone code (since Spot pricing is specific to an Availability Zone).

For your scenario, the usage for the first two operations maps to:

  • Linux/UNIX Spot requests in AZ050
  • Linux/UNIX Spot requests in AZ051

I'm not aware of any documentation that breaks down the values of these AZ codes further, however the Cost & Usage Report also includes the AZ mapped name in 'lineItem/AvailabilityZone' so if you need more information on what happened, you can consider evaluating your CUR (if setup).

In short, you can understand that there was a change in Spot usage between April 3rd & April 8th. As part of that Spot change, the workload change Availability Zone.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

I don't know if it's explained better elsewhere, but as hinted in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/billing-info-fields.html, an "SV" designator shows the VPC Zone the instance is running in.

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